I need to get accountable, and so I'm turning to YouTube.
I have conflicted feelings, though, about announcing intentions to everyone because then it seems like I am the least likely to follow through when I've done so. With one small exception.
I was working on 75 Hard recently. I made it through day 36, and then chose to quit. The only reason I hadn't quit earlier was because I had a cheerleader on my side, someone who asked whether I'd gotten my tasks done, and asked about my plan to execute them if I hadn't.
It was remarkably helpful.
I used to record budgeting videos on my YouTube channel, but then quit because they felt repetitive, boring, and unnecessary. Without those weekly videos, though, I fell out of practice keeping up with my budget every week, or every two weeks. My usual routine of doing banking every Sunday night fell by the wayside, and I felt the chaos creep in and take hold in the absence of that habit.
So I'm going back.
Weekly, or biweekly, budgeting videos. Cleaning on camera. Sorting, decluttering, and gaining clarity on my environment and my life.
I'm looking forward to it.