Midlife Adulting

Is it prudence or procrastination?

There was a sale going on for the real estate course I wanted to sign up for, but I let it slip out of reach. I can still get a discount, just not as steep.

I can afford the course with the lesser discount, but perhaps it would be better to wait for the July 4th holiday to roll around. There's the likelihood of additional discounts at that time.

But part of me wonders if this is a form of procrastination on my part. If I can afford it, and if reimbursement is coming my way once I pass the course, why am I not just going for it? I won't be less busy then. I won't suddenly have more free time.

On the other hand, I could spend this time working on tidying up my database. I could spend the time cleaning my house and making it a more peaceful place to work. I could clear off my desk and get my laptop set up there so I have a dedicated place to study and show off good habits to my child entering college this fall.

I'm extremely good at rationalizing my decisions, so what I'm actually doing is not clear to me at all. Perhaps I'll reach out and get the advice of someone else.

Then again, I did want to have everything wrapped up by mid-August...

#cleaning #organizing #procrastinating #real estate #training