Midlife Adulting

Hello, friend!

I'm studying towards getting my real estate license. I've been real estate-adjacent for nearly 20 years. On one hand, that makes a convenient landmark for a new adventure. On the other hand, I have a lot invested in my current position, and making it as a real estate agent isn't guaranteed. Still, I'm going for it.

I've been creating videos and posting them on the Internet, and I love it. I have a channel with 245 250 (!) subscribers, and I love being a small voice in a big pond. I can post whatever I want, and while everything isn't for everyone, I love when what I do share finds an audience.

I am working towards financial and personal freedom. That's vague, but on purpose for now. My videos may be a part of that, or real estate may be a part of that, or there may be something else in my future. I'm manifesting some awesome sh*t, so you'll definitely want to come back for that.

I failed the #75Hard program after completing 36 days. I'm grateful for everything I learned about myself in the process, and I look forward to my next attempt after I've given my plantar fasciitis a chance to "heel" (pun intended).

I will be walking a half marathon in November, and will be working until then on increasing my distance, fueling my body more appropriately, and cross training for the event so I don't wash out halfway through. (So far, my furthest walks are 5K, so I have a bit to go!)


The Book on Mental Toughness, by Andy Frisella


I provide exceptional service for all my clients.

I use my strengths to create abundance and freedom.