Midlife Adulting

Over the fence, and over the moon

I mentioned on my /now page that I was on the fence about pursuing my real estate license, but I've made up my mind now.

I'm going to do it.

And I'm heckin' excited.

First step: As I am real estate adjacent, I'll need to clear this with leadership first. Bonus: one of the team making up leadership already knows and I believe is supportive. That person should be on my side when this comes up between them.

Simultaneous second step: I am going to work on getting my database together so I'm ready to dive in once I tackle the step after this one. That means making sure I have phone numbers, birthdays, anniversaries, and addresses for each person. I'm connected with most folks via social media, so I'll be dropping more than one message asking for updated info. I know from experience that this step can take time, so I don't feel like I'm starting too early.

Third step: Get my license. This very well may be the most difficult step. Many people don't pass the test on their first, second, or third time taking it. I'm pretty good at test taking (if I do say so myself) but it wouldn't be alarming if I need to retake it.

There are many other steps, of course. I want to work out a marketing budget, work on a flow schedule (methods of keeping in touch and providing value to my database), and decide on monthly actions I can take to build my database and broaden my contacts within the industry. I want to brainstorm ways to network not only with the agents at my current company, but with agents outside of our market. I have a built-in advantage where I work, of course, but nothing says I have to settle for the way those relationships are currently.

Ultimately the goal is not to start practicing buying and selling real estate immediately. The first goalpost is to spend some time in a referral company. I will work my database as many of the agents at our office currently do (within my budget), and when someone is ready to sell, I will refer them out to an agent I respect and know will do a good job for them. That income will allow me to save for the additional (plentiful) expenses involved with becoming a full time real estate agent in my area. (Local, state, national, and company fees, supplies, marketing materials, etc.)

This is all part of a larger plan, where the end goal is to meet my current personal affirmation: I use my strengths to create abundance and freedom. It's a 3-5 year plan, not an immediate plan.

And it's a plan that I'm open to changing. In discussing this particular idea of mine, I was introduced to the possibility of additional opportunities that might go in a completely different direction. My response was that I can only focus on the plan that I can see right now, but that I am open to possibilities I haven't yet considered or visualized.

And I think that's the part of this that has me so excited. I'm 46 years old, and I can not remember any time in my life thus far when I have been looking for opportunities, possibilities, or forward to plans. I have spent 46 years surviving. Life has happened, but have I really been living it, or has it been happening to me?

I can't wait to see what the next 6 months hold for me. 💖✨

#living life #planning #real estate #referral company