Midlife Adulting

VIDEO: Catching up (then falling down)

real estate and hair and video ideas - oh my! (plus all the books I’ve been reading)

Happy Darn Wednesday! I just wanted to catch up a bit after my sick and talk about what's going on for me right now. It's a heck of a thing! If you're only here for budgeting, no problem. I'll do another video on that shortly. If you're up for about 10 minutes of chatter, though, you're in the right place! I even edited out all the yawns!

After posting this video, intending to film another a few days later, I decided I no longer wanted to record budgeting videos the way I had been. Or at least I think that's what I decided. It's also very likely I didn't decide anything and just slept as a way to avoid things I feel I should be doing.

Neither of these are very productive.

I've never had a real concrete vision for my YouTube channel. I like to make videos and get comments and gather subscribers who enjoy watching my content, but I don't like/don't perform well having a theme to my channel.

I'm also...

I forgot what I was going to say for a moment there.

I'm also in a "delete" phase. I swing pretty widely from "I want to delete everything and have absolutely no online presence" to "I have to have a social media on every single platform right now and I have to obsessively post on each one". While I haven't deleted anything yet, and I'm trying very hard not to, I am spending an awful lot of time thinking about what I'm doing now and how it will reflect on me in the future.

I don't view myself as super well-spoken, and I often post/speak before thinking. This can get me in trouble, or so I tell myself.

Right now at this moment I'm also trying to think of a video to make. I should probably just stop worrying so much and do something. Anything. Any move right now would be a step in the right direction.

Wish me luck.